98 definitions by Thomas

Some nucka tried to toss game on my girls ass, so I turned em around to have his face meet my brass!
by Thomas April 21, 2004
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The Best cerveza ever! Found in virtually no places except from Mexico where it originates.
Will, Lets go grab a SOL and then we will go scuba diving
by Thomas April 12, 2005
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When a guy hangs his nuts out of the zipper of his pants and walks up to some people, pretending like nothing's going on.
Hey man look! Joey just raw snagged those bitches!
by Thomas January 30, 2004
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A pimp ass car. that is red and is an explorer
I.E stu bobs car which is by far the shit dolg
by Thomas February 3, 2005
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a sarcastic response that is given when someone says something stupid and deserves it
Person 1 : "Bro I think we should just forget smoking out of bowls and we should just start smoking out of apples."

Person 2: "Myea."
by Thomas February 10, 2004
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To move away to live with your parents to a place where you have no friends.
"Dude, you live with your parents and have no friends, don't be a Nash."
by Thomas February 14, 2004
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cassandra's instant noodles!! ... but thomas' r beta
"mmm this tastes funkilishious .." ( to mean the noodles taste great but u'd rather eat thomas' noodles)
by Thomas December 3, 2003
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