11 definitions by Porque Me Buscan

The movie studio whose movies and cartoons start with a mean lion roaring behind an elegant frame made out of film. MGM is known for their funny-ass cartoons like Tom and Jerry, and other characters like Droopy and Screwy Squirrel.
MGM cartoons are funnier than Disney cartoons.
by Porque Me Buscan May 28, 2019
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A bra with little sprinkly things on it
From the Selena Movie, where Selena's dad confronts her in the bus for wearing just her bustier on stage
Selena Quintanilla: It's just a bustier. It's a cool thing.
Abraham Quintanilla: It's a bra with little sprinkly things on it! Busticaca de la menta...
by Porque Me Buscan February 27, 2019
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Edgar is the most common name among takuaches, or Mexican-American teens sporting bowl haircuts, American Fighter t-shirts, gold chains, skinny jeans, and Jordans, and are always driving lowered two-door Chevy Silverado trucks with oversized rims and low profile tires. Edgar's are very common in South Central Los Angeles and Pasadena, Texas and listen to young "Mexillenial" artists such as Natanael Cano, Fuerza Regida and T3R Elemento. They have a tendency to end their sentences with "cuh".
There goes Edgar doing donuts in his Silverado Z71. No quema cuh!
by Porque Me Buscan August 2, 2020
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