52 definitions by Nik

good, you clicked my link (if you dida search for guns and roses) if you did than you dont know shit about guns n' roses, well geuss waht?.. you just learned something, that its not guns and roses its guns n' roses...see the difference? this is what people search for if then know a thing or two about them, and knwo hwo to spell it right. anyway...there an almighty band who unfortantlly broke up cuz axl is such a faggot. dotn get me wrong.. i like his voice, but he himself is gay..he made the rest of the band sighn the name over to him or he would leave them, how low is that?!
guns n' roses are teh almighty ones!!!!
by Nik October 5, 2004
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A series of books that I think personally are interesting enough, but the people who go out of their way to hate harry potter and the people who are freakishly obsessed, are much more interesting. in fact, if it wasnt for these groups of people, it would not have a deffiniton on this site
person1: harry potter is so cool!! i love him!!
person2: harry potter is a fucking dickhead i hate him!!!!
person3: why are we talking about harry potter?
by Nik January 28, 2005
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man, her wilma was so wet, her panties were soaked.
by Nik December 12, 2003
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1. A short word in teh english language, usu. used to describe some inatimate onject

2. An insult that means you are saying that someone has no gender-specific sex- organs

3. well, duh.. sex
Can 2 its do it?
by Nik January 19, 2004
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the sound that is loosely associated with ejaculation, more often than not prematurely
When Jenny walked by I almost kweeked my pants
by Nik March 26, 2005
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The greatest AIM user on the internet.
That aim user Hawks9NKH is very cool.
by Nik August 28, 2003
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What you typed in the text box after the word Look up, and then clicked search.

Also, what UrbanDictionary.com is letting us do to our world (define your world...)
Define define: Define is defined by the word definition... i.e. to explain something..
by Nik January 19, 2004
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