56 definitions by Michael_Hunt

A famous comedy routine performed by George Carlin about words the FCC prohibits being said on TV
In America we are supposed to have free speech, so it doesn't make sense that there can even be such a thing as seven words you can't say on television.
by Michael_Hunt May 31, 2008
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when your ass gets sore from sitting for extended periods of time in an uncomfortable seat (e.g. metal folding chairs or bleechers)
I went to see the Chicago Cubs play, the game lasted almost four hours, when the game was over I had some major ass fatigue.
by Michael_Hunt July 5, 2009
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co-host of the bob and tom radio show, a paranoid germaphobe but very funny
Tom Griswold won't go to a gas station if there is a fuel tanker there and when he is in a hotel he puts the TV remote in a ziplock bag to protect himself from germs, but he is a very funny guy.
by Michael_Hunt June 29, 2008
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American Center for Law and Justice: a radical fundie organization that mocks the ACLU while attacking the Bill of Rights
While the ACLU works to defend the Bill of Rights and keep America free, the ACLJ works to destroy the Bill of Rights. The ACLJ hates free speech and freedom of religion their goal is to abolish freedom and democracy and establish a theocracy in America
by Michael_Hunt August 5, 2009
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Any socio-economical policy that benefits the wealthy or expands corporate power while harming ordinary working class people
The union went on strike so the company tried to be Reaganomical by firing the striking workers and replacing them with illegal immigrants who were only paid half as much.
by Michael_Hunt July 13, 2009
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The 43rd president of the United States used to distinguish him from his father Bush41.
Bush43 was the worst president America ever had, he was obsessed with waging a senseless war in Iraq, while making no serious attempt to capture Osama bin Laden or fight terrorism. He pushed through a fascist law with an Orwellian name the "Patriot Act" which essentially gutted the Bill of Rights. His disasterous economic policies created the worst recession since the Great Depression, crippling the financial industry and nearly bankrupting G.M. and Chrysler.
by Michael_Hunt June 21, 2009
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a very funny comedien who was born in Columbus,GA he appears regularly on the bob and tom show
Tim Wilson is a great comedien he appears frequently on the Bob and Tom show, most of his jokes are about living in the south. He has a very funny routine about his "Uncle B.S." and does songs like "Church League Softball Fistfight" and "The First Baptist Bar and Grill".
by Michael_Hunt August 22, 2009
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