12 definitions by Mathilda Underfoot

Contrary to other definitions posted here, displaying a 'baby on board' sign is not actually intended to be an attempt to make other drivers drive more carefully.

It's for the Emergency Services in the event of an accident. It's so they know there may be someone in the vehicle who is small enough to have become trapped under a seat etc.

There. That's nothing to get mad about, is it?
See that mangled wreck? How cool is that? OMG, there's a Baby on Board!
by Mathilda Underfoot March 8, 2010
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an action performed:

1) for luck.

2) to exclude oneself from the rules which would normally apply.

3) to imply that "we're like *that*", ie as close to each other as two crossed fingers

Can be represented by the emoticon (yn); apparently this pictorially resembles crossed fingers ...
1) fingers crossed for your driving test!

2) "It": Tagged you!
Taggee: No, you can't, cos my i've got my fingers crossed.

Ma: How could you lie to me, Johnny!?
Johnny: It wasn't really a lie, ma; I had my fingers crossed behind my back.

Cop: You're under arrest, Sonny Jim.
Boy: You can't arrest me, cos I had my fingers crossed when I burgled all those houses...

3) Mafioso: Me and the Don; we're like *that*
Other guy: (gulp)...
by Mathilda Underfoot February 7, 2010
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A Facebook-inspired kiddy-fad which contributes to the slow drowning in dross of the Interweb.
Have you been on UrbanDictionary since the dam' Social Networkers started a fad for inventing a "definition" of your own/your "special" friend's/your ex's name?
It's been completely Facefooked! It's like UD was porked in the eyesocket by a wildebeeste. With AIDS.
by Mathilda Underfoot February 5, 2010
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Verb. To pointlessly repeat something over and over and over and over and over and over.

A reference to the TV channel Dave, which endlessly recycles BBC panel games. Not to be confused with Dave ja vue, which is the same thing but an hour later.
- " hey Dave, whatcha doin', Dave?"

- " Dave man, I'm watching Dave, Dave"
by Mathilda Underfoot February 5, 2010
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Frank Zappa: She was buns-up, kneeling...
Backing vocals: ................#buns-up...

(from "Dy-na-moe Hum")
by Mathilda Underfoot February 6, 2010
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1) Very wrong.

2) Right (rare usage)
1) "... It's a privilege to have people listen to your views, and if people get them arse backwards sometimes, that's the price you have to pay ..." -- Alexei Sayle, comedian, satirist and Young Ones co-star, after apparently dissing his home city.

2) Bill: I put my trousers on arse-backwards today.
Ben: Well done. That's correct.
by Mathilda Underfoot April 11, 2010
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