24 definitions by MTF

The most despised baseball player of all time. Because of his contempt for others and himself, will be remembered as a joke to the sport.
Kid 1:
Hey, I just met Barry Bonds and he refused to sign my baseball.

Kid 2:
That is because he is an ignorant asshole, and doesn't understand that it is important to be respectful of baseball fans. It's okay; when he is no longer around, no one will care.
by MTF February 10, 2009
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A toy. Not to be confused with "Jack in the box", a fast-food restaurant.
Baby Hugo cried whenever he played with his Jack-In-A-Box. Every time Jack popped out it frightened him. Bad Jack!
by MTF January 22, 2009
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Seen at your typical road-side diner or coffee shop: crushing a pack of saltine crackers still in the wrapper, then carefully opening the pack and sprinkling the bits and crumbs over your greens. This is generally done after a light dusting of pepper and dressing has been added to your side salad.
Customer to Waitress:
Flo, you seem to have forgotten the imported, seasoned bread croutons atop my mixed green salad.

Waitress to Customer:
Jerome, have you lost your damn mind? This ain't no fine-dining establishment! Grab your ass some of them saltine crackers at the table and leave me alone fool.

Customer to Waitress:
Don't try to pass them Ghetto Croutons off on me!
by MTF February 16, 2009
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