31 definitions by Kung Of The Duckheads

Sockboy is a name given to an individual who's intellect is lacking, in the same way that 18 cans is a six pack short of a carton. A sockboy is believed to have been created from the mixing of a discarded tub of yogurt containing the lactobacillus bacteria and the semen contained in an old football sock used by an individual for the purpose of hiding stains on the bed sheets from his overbearing mother. The two ingredients came together in a rubbish bin alongside a football oval and after a suitable gestation period, through the warmer summer months, the Sockboy emerged. Sockboy's have a particular penchant for lego, are highly allergic to wool so only ever wear nylon socks and are avid users of Spokey-Dokes on their pushbikes. They can be affectionately refered to as Socky.
Good morning Sockboy.
Wow, they are some very nice pink nylon socks you have on there Socky.
by Kung Of The Duckheads March 2, 2019
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A vadge is a term used to describe those who take pleasure from the unhappiness of others. If they suspect that someone may be enjoying themselves they will go to extreme lengths to cause unhappiness. Due to their frequent repeated use of the same phrase they are often mistaken as the son of a Plastic John, however a genetic investigation has showed that vadges are not 100% human, but the results of failed test tube experiments.
If left unattended may form SMEGMA,
A toxic fungus.
I was feeling rather happy but I've been vadged and now I feel like shit.

It looks like a vadge, smells like a vadge and sounds like a vadge, luckily I didn't step in it!
by Kung Of The Duckheads March 11, 2019
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An affliction that has spread amongst the Boy Cunt Crew. It is transmitted by sneezing on a stack of freezer burnt sausages and passing them out at barbecues. Symptoms include severe anti social behaviour, a deep concern with the affairs of other people, and a deep desire to spread the disease by inviting people to eat the sausages at a barbecue.
Listen to that. You can just hear that he has raids.
by Kung Of The Duckheads August 27, 2019
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Tramaholic describes a person who, conflicted by their morals, their problems with a back injury and their need for friendship, turns to tramadol and alcohol. This addiction eventually leads to the resolution of any conflict.
As a tramaholic, should you be drinking that much?
by Kung Of The Duckheads September 15, 2019
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An EmuBob is game played in honour of a Jaytard. The participants pair off and tie one of their legs to each other to simulate a 3 legged creature. They then parade around, making bobbing motions, similar to an emu or ostrich bobbing to pick up food. The aim of the game is to collect as many bumpers as possible in the allotted time. The winner gets to present all of the collected bumpers to the Jaytard as a mark of respect.
Will the EmuBob be called off because of the rain? It should be because all the bumpers will be wet.
by Kung Of The Duckheads December 7, 2020
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A Waffler is a legend of the CB radio that never lets the truth get in the way of a good story. Well travelled to all parts of the globe, their stories have the uncanny ability to get under the skin of any member of the Boy Cunt Crew. Wafflers are renowned for their philanthropy work and the production of some of the finest self saucing cucumbers the world has ever seen.
Too good Waffler, too good.
Don't worry, be waffler, don't worry be waffler.
Bozo - "I know you waffler." Reply from a waffler - "I don't know ya, I don't want to know ya, and if I did know ya, I wouldn't through my shit at ya."
by Kung Of The Duckheads June 25, 2019
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A cuntradiction is when someone says that it couldn't care less about something but their actions display the complete opposite.
If you don't care about cb radio why did you just spend nearly $500 on a new antenna. Isn't that a complete cuntradiction?
Isn't it a complete cuntradiction that you talk about channel 3 and the people on it every day, but say that you don't care about it?
If you say you never go to channel 3 but are heard on there regularly, isn't that a complete cuntradiction?
by Kung Of The Duckheads September 14, 2019
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