17 definitions by Konrad

When a driver of the opposite sex as the passenger calibrates the heat settings in an automobile to full heat output, and positions all blowers to point in the general direction of the passenger.

Hot car is successfully reached when the occupant claims, "My skin is burning". Attempts by the passenger to re-calibrate heat settings to a more comfortable level is met with a sturdy slap on the hand.
"That bitch whined about being cold so I pulled a hot car on her."
by Konrad May 13, 2004
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A derivation of "Larkin," a 21st century gamer whose name was later dubbed to anyone who had remarkable talent or skill at computer games. Ex: Counter-Strike, Warcraft III. The added ending, "x0r" is simply an abbreviation derived from an ancient "Leet" or "1337" language used by "haxorz" added on to a word to heighten it's coolness. As an internet gaming term, this word has been thoroughly woven into common speech.

1. OMG d00d y0u r0x0r3d that guy you are a larkinx0r!

2. Get off that computer or else you will turn into a larkinx0r!


1. I just g0t 0wn3d by 4 pi13 0f larkinx0rz!
by Konrad September 21, 2003
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n)Is short for larchmont, a town in westchester county, which is right outside of NYC.
by Konrad April 10, 2005
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