17 definitions by Konrad

The noun "sax" can refer to the entire saxaphone family of not-so-musical instruments, and generally refers to the most common "sax", that being the alto saxaphone. It was abbriviated in order to not be so long as to confuse the already-addled minds of those who actually enjoy playing the instrument.
"If you honk that sax one more time, I'ma gonna take it and throw it in the bay!"
by Konrad July 28, 2004
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jux*ta a 1 : rad 2: awesome 3: balls to the wall 4: boss 5: etc.
Dude, that guitar is fuckin' juxta!

Note: can also be used as a personal compliment. (ie. Dude, you're so fuckin' juxta. -or- What's up, juxta?)
by Konrad February 27, 2004
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That chick's ass is jaba.

Man I ate like a jaba.

Zeus is like a mexican jaba.
by Konrad December 11, 2003
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The act of hitting someone ontop of their head, then saying Coconut out loud. Must be done when the is not expecting it or is just being an asshole
Jimmy just gave tommy a damn good coconut for spitting in his milk
by Konrad April 10, 2005
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Lowered punishement from a deed or a complete pardon from a deed.
i was let off the hook after the cops found out it wasnt my gun after all
by Konrad September 9, 2003
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When a girl is chubby but is not fat u say that she has baby phat. Used for girls that have smooth skin, are not skinny, and you think that they are cute.
J: Jenny's cute.
L: No jenny's fat
P: No she just got some baby phat on her
by Konrad April 10, 2005
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(n) The period of time during which George "Dubya" Bush was/is in the seat of power in the United States of America.
Child: "Mommy, when the hell will this awful reign of terror be over?"

Mother: "Hopefully by 2004, though if we are really unlucky, he might still be in office 'till 2008!"

*Child has heart attack*
by Konrad July 28, 2004
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