19 definitions by Klaatu's Nikto

A pale, spectacle wearing, dead-eyed husk of a man with the body of a pre-pubescent boy. Can be be found on Twitter, orbiting obese feminists with daddy issues, defending their honour and proclaiming their feminist credentials , all while succumbing to the Dunning-Kruger effect while waging their online war against differing opinion in the vain belief that Twitter, and by extension themselves, are politically relevant to wider society.

Physically the soyboy resembles two other species of the genus, the neckbeard and incel.despite denying they have anything in common, and are clearly just as resentful towards those they might call 'conseeervative or centrist, while their incel brethren would use the labels Chad or Stacy,; Functioning adults with jobs, sex lives and hobbies other than playing videogames. All three are tainted by a stench of fungus and cheese from poor hygiene, low testosterone and muscle mass, and dead eyes from all of the antidepresssants they're on.

The soy boy's appearance also has another unfortunate effect of getting them confused for kiddyfiddlers, as they share a common look and style.

As a precaution, most parents of young children give these specimens a wide berth.
Horatio; get that weirdo away from the school gates!
Gulliver; It's difficult to tell if he's a kiddyfiddler or just another greasy soy boy at war with his own existence.
by Klaatu's Nikto June 20, 2020
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People who dont have much of a life or hobbies beyond sitting and watching tge mediocre offerings of Netflix or similar streaming service. They usually place great importance on having caught up with tge latest 'Box sets'.
These people can be from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds but have certain things in common; they are generally liberal or whatever the celebrities think, don't own many books and usually start sentences with 'so'.

Also known as Epsilons .
Moron: 'Ive just rewatched Breaking Bad, Prison Break and catching up on Westworld and The Crown.'
Me: *closing book* 'ahh, you must be one of those Netflix People'.
by Klaatu's Nikto January 4, 2021
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An apt name for the internet since the rise of social media, rage bait and narcissistic smart phone culture.
Neo: iI got into an argument with a feminist vegan atheist demikin on Twitter last night, so i sent her some Pepe memes.
Morpheus: Step out of the Hatrix and cook a meal for someone, you nerd.
by Klaatu's Nikto October 11, 2020
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The aftermath of anal penetration where the phallus is of such proportions, tbe rectum looks as it might after being gored by a bull's horn.
Sir Reginald Piers-Gently; And how were Fanny and Verity when you last saw them?Lord Fredistare Buntwick; Well old chap, Fanny has just finished her second year at Oxford, and Verity has been matador'd by several Galician stable boys!
Sir Reginald Piers-Gently; i'm deligbted to hear it!
by Klaatu's Nikto November 28, 2017
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People of a certain class in the UK who are monstrously obese, dimwitted and rely on public transport. They wear tracksuit bottoms that do not fit them and expose their blubbery gut and backsides, and have ulcerated cankles, as well as gormless bovine expressions.
Their favourite pursuits include watching reality TV while licking gravy from their foil tray dinners off of their doughy forearms, playing violent computer games and screeching at their hyperactive , sugar-intoxicated offspring in public.
They are prone to severe body odours and fungal infestations, orginating from folds of flesh that they find difficult or cannot be bothered to wash.

On occasion, the cow-person may discover a 'feasting' - a morsel of jellified food that has been stored deep in a fold for days- which they ravenously consume, lest it be wrenched from yjem by their benefit assessors.
The only things that match their physical repulsiveness is their idiocy, sense of entitlement and laziness, as they are usually welfare recipients and falsely claiming disability benefits.
Look at that huge family of cow-people gathering at the bus stop!
Look at those cow-people slurping down buckets of chicken and gravy!
Look at those cow-people, demanding their benefits from the taxpayer!
Look at those cow-people, stinking up the cake aisle!
Look at those Cow-people, comparing fat-shaming to racism, as if they can't help how much cheese and fries they ingest!
Look at those cow-people... we could use them in the next war to frighten Putin!
by Klaatu's Nikto November 28, 2017
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A non-Brit whose appreciation of quaint, English customs, Harry Potter, Dr Who, Sherlock etc is about the limit of their knowledge, forgetting that modern UK is nothing like a lot of these shows portray for most of the people living there.
Teeaboos are not particularly new, as Americans and non-europeans have enjoyed twee and anachronistic visions for decades, such as the Richard Curtis movies that were cynically marketed to US audiences, while bizarrely extinguishing the presence of non-whites (see Notting Hill) from London.
Weirdly, children's sci-fi Dr Who is more demographically realistic in it's portrayal of modern Britain than most popular exports, but is still 'London-centric'. Unfortunately, this is because the BBC is Londoncentric in its programming and ignores many other regions of the nation, with their own rich histories and cultures.
'I just love THE British accent and tea and Sherlock!'
'Which British accent would that be, you strange teeaboo?'
by Klaatu's Nikto December 6, 2017
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A social media platform for vain, bored adults suffering from arrested development who want to impress celebrities with their wit, or insult cthose they hate or they think have 'transgressed' in some manner. This is made more likely by a character limit which makes jokes and insults the easiest way to grab attention and followers, some of whom may be fake accounts.
Generally benign users may be caught up in a twitter storm, when vocal political activists lash out and project their social ineptitude on anyone they disagree with. Twitter has been used by many in creating online echo chambers, doxxing, dog-piling and bullying people out of employment. It also acts like a late-capitalist version of the Stasi.
Generally useful if you want to shout into the digital aether.
Johnny Fuckwit; Did you see what some ghastly apper said about a vacant bimbo on Twitter?
Quentin Pinkeye; No, i was having dinner with friends.
by Klaatu's Nikto December 1, 2017
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