12 definitions by KingAnonymous

pornographic anime that exists for only two reasons - one: turn you on, and two: see if Japan can give you yet another why boner or make you inexplicably wet (depending on your gender)
Person 1: I highly recommend Boku no Pico. It's a good hentai to start with.

Person 2: Sure, I'll check it out.

Person 1: (whispering) Sucker! That's payback for tricking me into watching Two Girls One Cup!
by KingAnonymous April 27, 2020
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the belief that women should be equal to men regarding voting rights (which already passed, so let's skip that) and opportunities and treatment in society and the workforce

unfortunately, feminism has been warped and twisted into misandry and many women claiming to be feminists are actually misandrists
Such a shame that so many people don't know what feminism really is.
by KingAnonymous December 8, 2018
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a person who believes in feminism, not to be mistaken with misandry
it's unfortunate that many women claiming to be feminists are actually misandrists, giving real feminists a bad name
Note: feminists are not a women-only thing; men can be feminists too
There's a difference between a feminist and a misandrist. It's very disappointing that a lot of people think they're the same thing.
by KingAnonymous December 8, 2018
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A judge for talent shows who happens to be the Gordon Ramsay of the talent world... which is ironic considering that he doesn't have any talent that we know of.
Simon Cowell has no talent, so why is he a judge on idol shows and talent shows?
by KingAnonymous April 9, 2018
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The people who decide whether the submitted words and definitions are accepted or not. For some reason, an unusually large amount of them accept definitions that violate guidelines, yet reject those that do not. And all the other definitions of this word insult the editors, so I won't do that. In fact, the editors like to mess with people who don't like that their definitions were rejected and accept the ones they made that are rage-filled and bet that they won't be accepted. I'm not stupid like the others, so I won't be insulting the editors, since it'll make me look stupid when I say that I bet this definition will be rejected the the UD editors, yet you're reading it in the definitions list.
The Urban Dictionary editors are trolls, for the most part. Some are honest and take their duty seriously, though. Good job to those who do. And for those who don't, try to take it more seriously.
by KingAnonymous February 26, 2018
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