173 definitions by Kate

A word to fill up space when the brain is empty. Can cause irritation if overused.
How are you?
What'd you do last night?
Are you okay?
OK I'm leaving
by Kate November 22, 2004
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wait....that would be.....me!!!! hahahahaha *evil laughter*
by Kate February 6, 2004
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The contemplation of presenting the middle finger in an offensive manner--usually in order to infer, "Fuck off!"
I have a serious problem with road rage. Every time I hit a little bit of traffic, I am struck with a strong case of medigiskepsis.
by Kate May 24, 2004
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Erin is such a pillow biter, she needs to take pain pills before she gets rammed!
by Kate July 19, 2004
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A normal pair of underwear covering up the bottom half (not revealing cheeks).
I prefer thongs, to those bucket bums you wear.
by Kate March 2, 2005
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*brings hand to mouth and sucks on it like a retard* Eeeeeehhhhkkk.
by Kate February 13, 2003
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A feline member of the community renound for her good looks, charm, intelligence and wit. Also has a rather mean streak. Loved by all (well... one), and ph33red by all. Do not mess with this bada$$ mofo!
OMFG LOLZ000000000RS owned again by Lostkat tbh
by Kate May 23, 2003
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