5 definitions by Joey Bishop

My friend is on probabtion, cuz he got caught trading kid stuff on the net.
by Joey Bishop March 8, 2004
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An attractive underaged girl who you'd like to bang. But if you get caught banging her you'll go to jail, so she's the bait that lures you into the jail cell, hence the term jailbait. Is similar to a lolita, except the term jailbait only applies to an attractive underaged girl that you want to bang, while a lolita is an attractive underaged girl who also wants to bang you
R. Kelly's next concert is gonna be in cellblock 4 cuz' he got caught messin' with jailbait.

Guy #1: Hey man, look at that girl over there she's really cute, I'm gonna go kick some G to her.
Guy #2: Naw man, that girl looks like she's about 14. She's fuckin' jailbait, dude.
by Joey Bishop March 8, 2004
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Baseball players believe that by having sex with an unattractive female, they can end their slump. Therfore a slump buster is the unattractive female that they have sex with, in hopes of busting their slump.
Manny Ramirez told Pedro Martinez that the reason why he's been hitting so many homeruns lately, is because he hooked up with a lot of slump busters when he was in a slump.
by Joey Bishop March 8, 2004
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Lolita is a nickname for Delores. It is also a term used to describe a prepubescent or adolescent girl who is attractive and sexually responsive. She lusts after older men, and is lusted by them in return. The term originates from the Vladimir Nabakov novel ''Lolita'' which told the tale of the love affair between middle aged Humbert and his 12 year old stepdaughter Lolita. It became a popular term in the 90's when the teenaged Amy Fisher who shot the wife of her older lover Joey Buttafauco, was called ''The Long Island Lolita''. The term was also used a lot during the controversy surrounding the 90's remake of the 1962 film version of Lolita directed by the late Stanley Kubrick. The film which starred Jeremy Irons and was directed by Adrian Lyne, had trouble finding backers due to the controversial subject matter. 14 year old Dominique Swain played the title character, and the fact that a child actress was playing an underaged character involved with sex with adults fueled the controversy. Lolita is also used as a euphemism for child erotica, child porn, or barely legal adult porn.
My 13 year old daughter is starting to act like a lolita.

Amy Fisher, the Long Island Lolita, was arraigned today.

I just saw the new version of Lolita, and it's better than the 1962 version.
by Joey Bishop March 7, 2004
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