132 definitions by Joey

abrev. "Furniture"

Used on Habbo Hotel to mean the virtual furniture people pay for
"give me a furni plzzzzz im poor"


by Joey July 7, 2004
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n. An asian guy that collect yu-gi-oh cards and licks assholes.
Gaysain: Hey wanna trade yu-gi-oh cards and have but sex?
Me: Fuck off you gaysain, yu-gi-oh is for homos.
by Joey April 4, 2003
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Having the wrinkliest nuts.
by Joey May 4, 2003
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1.) A complete clusterfuck of ideas strewn together in a mediocre collaboration between alchohol and hand that completely skips the mind and development stages. It is the metaphysical manifestation of all the bad acid trips from the 60's and 70's finally gathered and plotted down on newspaper that seeks to arouse "t3h g1ggL3ZorrZ" in the morning populace that reads them. Meaningless in meaning, pointless in point, it's top priority is to be bathroom tissue. The only strip it'll be useful for is stripping excrememnt from buttholes.

2.) A horrible fucking comic strip.
*At the breakfast table*
"Hey, dad. Did you ever get Zippy the Pinhead?"
"Oh, fuck no."
by Joey December 14, 2004
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A man that loves to engage in the act of anal sex.

A man that is also an asshole.
"Dude, did you get on Counterstrike today?"
"Yeah. That guy named System-Error was on."
"Him!? He's an ass jouster."
by Joey December 7, 2004
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