20 definitions by JizzySpunkbubbles

Should be used to describe any unsigned artists or strictly speaking, those signed to an independent record label -- where the term 'indie' originates.
Instead it is synonymous with the flannel and skinny jean-wearing baby-faced musicians, fitting into the "hipster" subculture, whose testicles are yet to drop. Their instrument of choice is either the acoustic guitar or the keyboard, that adds to their limp and poncy sound.
A: "Do you like indie music?"
B: "Yeah"
A: "What is your favourite indie band?"
B: "Anal Cunt"
A: "Aren't they metal?"
B: "Well they have been signed to independent record labels throughout their history, so they are indie"
by JizzySpunkbubbles August 24, 2013
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A Middle Eastern country but its people will argue with you they're European, even though barely 5% of the country is in Europe. Turks have more in common with Asia than with Europe; for one, they are Muslim like the countries on its east side; and two, unlike the Slavic people from transcontinental Russia, the Turkic people (Tajiks, Uzbeks etc) are associated with central Asia than Europe. They are very knife-happy people and are known to turn the weapon on their own relatives, just search for Yuksel Yesilova on YouTube.
Turks are known for their tyrannic behaviour, for example oppressing the native Kurds in the south-east region of the country for many decades and invading Cyprus in the '70s, which is currently disrupting the neutrality of the independent island and further integration into the European Union.

The only argument Turks can put forward for being European is that their country can qualify for the UEFA European Championship, well so can Israel and Azerbaijan and that doesn't make them European countries.
"Where are you going this summer?"
"hmmm... don't forget your body armour"
by JizzySpunkbubbles February 22, 2013
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Like Diet Coke but actually tastes like something fit for human consumption, another difference is girls won't buy into it because it doesn't have 'diet' in its name.
'What's the point of Diet Coke still being in production when Coke Zero exists and doesn't taste like half of the periodic table?'
by JizzySpunkbubbles August 22, 2014
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Pussy-assed n00b on Modern Warfare 2 organising to ruin online multiplayer by inviting a player onto the opposite team, hide in a secluded area, plant tactical insertions and let one get kill the other 25 times in a row to activate their tactical nuke, so after repeating the procedure many times they can unlock a shitty rotating emblem. Once you locate them and take down the culprit yourself, the one on your team will try to attack you and they will both eventually leave the game whinging.
Guy #1: There's a nuke booster behind that cabin in the north west corner of the map, I'm going to take them out.
Rest of team: OK
by JizzySpunkbubbles December 25, 2009
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"Jen spent all night bean polishing, she couldn't walk straight this morning."
by JizzySpunkbubbles August 27, 2013
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The only word that means the opposite of itself.
My cupboards are bare = My cupboards are empty
I've done bare work today = I've done lots of work today
by JizzySpunkbubbles May 17, 2012
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When homosexual attitudes become greatly accept by society, that they influence the behaviour of heterosexual people. The prevalence of metrosexuality can be attributed to the gaytriarchy, where straight males have become self-conscious about their appearance and go through beauty rituals every morning in order to preserve their youthful aurora.
The gaytriarchy has gotten to Jamie, it took him 45 minutes to moisturise and pluck his eyebrows.
by JizzySpunkbubbles January 17, 2014
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