20 definitions by Hot East

The 27th state admitted to the United States. Florida is a haven for predatory scammers, prostitutes, white trash, businesses predicated on dismal customer service, and people fleeing something (bad marriage, debtor's prison, organized crime, etc.). The economy of Florida is based on attracting outside people oblivious of these realities or well-to-do GLBT individuals to see post-teen so-called "performers" dressed in anthropomorphic costumes, relive the fantasy childhood they never had, and to visit nearly-abandoned beachfront communities (see: economic collapse). The state appears to be split into three distinct areas: South Florida, a largely Hispanic and New York polyglot; Central Florida, a region with no discernable product or industry where people who cannot afford South Florida live; and the Panhandle, which is more like Southern Alabama. These factors are offset by beautiful weather, exotic flora and fauna, and scantily clad women (see: prostitutes and white trash). Much of the former aerospace program existed in Florida.
Sammy: "Yo, I'm moving to Florida!"
Tony: "Who you running away from?"
by Hot East May 11, 2010
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The former Hudson County, NJ jail, which was located at 578 Pavonia Avenue, Jersey City. The jail, Hudson County's second, was rumored to be haunted. It was built in 1914 and torn down in 1995, replaced by a newer facility.
Said to be haunted, the Pavonia Hilton was the center of much lore in Jersey City. Demolition workers told stories of voices and saw people moving out of the corners of their eyes.
by Hot East August 3, 2012
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A general term used to indicate someone attempting to take advantage of someone else or play them in a scam, be it something simple, like beating one to a parking space, or complex, like criminal fraud.

Past tense: got over on

Not to be confused with "get over" oneself spoken to a pretentious person.
Your boss is trying to get over on you. He just took that report you spent three months writing, erased your name and put his on it. Looks like he'll get a big bonus for it.

My former tenants really got over on me. They stopped paying rent, so I had to take them to court and evict them. It took months and cost me tens of thousands of dollars in lost rent, hiring a lawyer, and repairing the damage they caused. Meantime they lived in a three bedroom house for only two months' rent.
by Hot East December 29, 2012
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A person with a defective personality trait who consumes strikingly more resources than they require, often taking away from others while doing so. Someone who acts in a selfish and singular-minded way. Often, the person is unaware that they are acting in such manner, while, in some cases, the mannerism is deliberate and has been deeply reinforced by learned experiences from previously successful attempts.
That cafone Tommy came over the other night. He finished off all of my beer and ate most of what was in the refrigerator before he noticed all the free stuff was gone. Then, all of a sudden, he got tired and had to leave. Probably went to someone else's house for more.
by Hot East August 25, 2011
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The speed at which all logical legislation and rulemaking occur. Speed which equates to the glaciers' advancement and receession in the last ice age.
The state legislature reacted to the need for funding the lifesaving project with glacial speed.
by Hot East February 21, 2009
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A long, thin propane or kerosene-fired heater used by contractors to cure plaster, spackling, or paint in the wintertime. The device is often left turned on overnight producing the illusion that there are flames in the building because of its glow. This results in a number of mistaken 9-1-1 calls for the fire department. Also known as a "torpedo heater" because it somewhat resembles a torpedo.
The caller said she saw flames in the building, but the fire department only found a salamander the contractors left on overnight.
by Hot East September 13, 2011
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