267 definitions by Greg

A vulgar sentence used when someone is getting their ass beaten down, specifically in a hardware store or a garage.
by Greg August 31, 2003
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Real life example for katonah
This was used on an MTV show called 'Rich Girls' West Hampton, NY.

The word was used the expression:
I thought you were so cool, "you goto katonah every night."
by Greg December 3, 2003
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When your friend invites you out several nights in a row for a long night of drinking and you decline. Then, on Sunday, he declines your offer for 1 beer and you call him a pussy.
Me? Pussy? Dude, I've been out drinking late every night this week, yo, and you had to sit at home and wash your hair...don't pull a Karl Walker by calling me a puss.
by Greg February 11, 2005
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A person (F1) who, when in a friendship, plots against one of his friends (F2) with another friend (F3). They (F1 & F3) exclude the second friend (F2) from activities like going to someone's house, to parties, or to any location that it is possible to enjoy oneself.

Also describes a person who talks behind his friend's back. See Gossip.

Kanive (adj.), Kaniving (v.)
Matt: Greg and Corey rented Dynasty Warriors 5 and played it without me. They are Kanivers.
by Greg April 19, 2005
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Everyone who lives in Birmingham has a phone number starting with 0121.
by Greg March 20, 2005
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1)the most pathetic excuse for your parents being a bunch of stupid shits.

they suck and ruin lives.

nothing good comes out of them, except for the wife, who gets to rape her ex with childsupport, which mostly gets spent on stupid shit
(in my situation, a new set of dishes, and big screen tv...)

2)a way to show your kids that you don't care about them cause you want to go and fuck up their lives by messing them up socially, mentally, AND emotionally...
my parents are failures as parents and thus got a divorce, and i will never forgive them for that.
by Greg April 19, 2004
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Refering to a group of 2 or more people.
'Bit O' that Pups' or 'Alright Pups, hows it goin?'
by Greg January 20, 2005
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