40 definitions by Ellie

An awesome asian kid who, while being obsessed with ridiculously hot guys such as Michael Vartan, Adam Levine and Milo Ventigmila or however you spell his name, cannot spell. She enjoys watching the WB and movies. Especially involving ridiculously hot guys.
Did you just spell Brewster "Brucester?" That's such an engroll thing to do.
by Ellie March 21, 2004
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This word is used in the movie Disney Movie Robin Hood it means amazement.
Oodalalee! I just got a brand new car.
by Ellie January 14, 2005
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A person (male or female) who wears sports makes all the time. Males usually have short or shaved hair, females usually have a huge sticky-out fringe. Charvas like to shout at people different to them and they adopt a strong accent when in groups. Can also be identified by the way they walk: like they have something shoved up their ass. Use the word 'fucking' a lot as well as 'you daft cunt', 'fucking hippy', 'fucking goth' and 'fucking hard'.
Look at that stupid charva, what the fuck is he wearing?
by Ellie August 27, 2003
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a 1920's slang word meaning nonsense
Stop talking that applesauce!
by Ellie December 6, 2004
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The vagina of a woman.
Kristi's coochie smelled of ass because she didn't wash right.
by Ellie November 15, 2002
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