10 definitions by Dentura Hogfloss

The tendency for Latin American pedestrians to wait for the crosswalk to go green, then proceed to cross the wrong street against the other crosswalk.
I just saw Paco down on Mission Street and almost ran over his ass because he has dysmexia really bad.
by Dentura Hogfloss August 15, 2008
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A nick name for "Facebook" derived from users reconnecting with each other after years of no communication and seeing that each other has gained substantial weight.
"One of my high school ex gfs found me on fatbook last night. Man... she's twice the woman she used to be!"
by Dentura Hogfloss April 8, 2009
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An evolved version of a lunch and learn session which is held later in the day and involves alcohol.
The guys over at the dealership asked if they could do a lunch and learn at the firm. I told them that a sip and grip would be way more engaging.
by Dentura Hogfloss June 15, 2017
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A medical condition caused by the production of or hearing of an abnormally large amount of indie music.
My friend Jack is a really good songwriter, but ever since Interpol became popular, he's gotten a chronic case of corduroy poisoning.
by Dentura Hogfloss February 9, 2005
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A condition that many females who attend Burning Man come back home with. Not associated with the alkalai dust of the playa or dehydration, this STD is associated with the lack of good judgment rampant at the annual event.
Violet Blue's article at SFGate.com on the popularity of STD clinics in San Francisco the week after Burning Man is further evidence of the Burning Clam theory.
by Dentura Hogfloss November 21, 2007
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The name given to the theory that Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus are the same person.
After comparing the lousy tattoo art choices both Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus have made I am becoming more and more suspicious that the Jusley Biebrus theory is true.
by Dentura Hogfloss January 14, 2014
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The tendency for blackberry users to aimlessly shuffle about while typing. This combination of typing and attempted walking usually results in aggrevating everyone around them.
Will was near my desk today doing the crackberry shuffle.
by Dentura Hogfloss January 30, 2008
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