12 definitions by Default Mate

The 5 words that, when said, causes all of existence to implode upon itself.
Joe: ur mom mega gay
Bob: no u
Joe: Ur mom mega big gae
Bob: *just gets obliterated*
by Default Mate December 12, 2018
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Ronald: Did you here Caleb got diagnosed with cancer?
Mcdonald: Yeah, Cancer's such a Douche.
by Default Mate December 13, 2018
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For idiots that can't tell the difference between an Alligator and a Crocodile.
Idiot: Oh look it's a Gatordile

Smart man: You are an idiot
by Default Mate April 12, 2020
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This is the least liked post on Urban dictionary.
"oh look, the least liked post. That guy's gay."
by Default Mate April 12, 2019
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When you're eating Ice Cream in a cone and it melts because you were waiting too long to eat it and you feel obligated to just drink it from the cone.
When my Ice Cream melts. *I Scream*
by Default Mate May 3, 2019
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