43 definitions by DB

The name that Homer changes Marge's name to on the Simpsons.

Modelled after famed porn queen Jasmine St. Clair.

Homer also entertains: Chesty LaRue, and Hootie McBoob as options to name marge
"Busty St. Clair is a very suitable porn name"
by DB January 14, 2005
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Wichoo is a term derivated from two words "with you" and originated through a misheard Luther Vandross song. ie.. "Together forever and never to part, together forever wichoo"

Black people use this sort of lingo to confuse and astound white people.
"Hey I'm going to the mall!"

"Can I come wichoo?"
by DB March 29, 2005
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A "cunt" of a greater magnitude.

A very "cunty" person
"Tracy slept with her sisters man.. what a cuntola"
by DB January 14, 2005
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The funniest and least responsible way to quit ones job.

To not come into work one day and never give a reason and never show up or call ever again.
John hated his job at taco bell so when friday came along he pulled a no call/no show on them.
by DB January 14, 2005
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An adjective based on the Noun "cunt" describing one who is acting like a "cunt" or who is "cunty".
"Do you know what she did?. Your cunting daughter!
-Regan, The Exorcist
by DB January 14, 2005
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An overweight, tall, large-shouldered woman who looks like a viking warrior. May also apply to a large overweight man with the same characteristics but its not as funny
"Dude that girl we saw in the mall was a total Boheme"
by DB January 14, 2005
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Something that is both chubby and fuzzy.
That puppy is so chuzzy!

That guy needs to put on a shirt. He's got his chuzz hanging out.
by DB June 26, 2004
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