19 definitions by Christina S

Catholics (or any form of Christianity, basically) who only goes to Church on days when they give out free stuff; namely Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday.
Bob: Do you ever go to Church?
Steve: Only on Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday, when they give out free stuff.
Bob: Dude, you are such an A and P Catholic!
by Christina S April 18, 2006
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Originating from the 2004-2005 baseball season, "Yankee Hangover" refers to the feeling one gets from staying up all night watching a Yankee game. It was first used in September 2005 for the Yankees vs. Red Socks playoff games, which commonly lasted well into the night--most ending at 1:30-2:30 in the morning.
Guy1: "That Yankee vs Redsocks game went into the 12th inning last night, and I watched it until the end. Man, I'm exhausted and can't think straight!"
Guy2: "Sound's like your suffering from a bad case of Yankee Hangover."
by Christina S August 22, 2006
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noun. plural, hippocampi

In anatomy, the hippocampus is an elongated ridge of the brain, found in each lateral ventricle (and shaped a bit like a seahorse or whale). Its function is believed to be the center of emotion, memory, and the involuntary actions of the nervous system.
People with Alzheimer's disease are shown to have damage to their hippocampus, which leads to memory loss and disorientation.

Humans have two hippocampi, one of each side of the brain.
by Christina S January 4, 2012
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When a man has a sexual, possesive, or obsessive crush on another man. For example, when a man crush becomes sexual or just plain creepy, it becomes a man fetish.
Axel has a total man fetish with Roxas.
by Christina S April 18, 2006
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Also -zors

Taken from the popular internet and MMORPG expression, haxorz, "zorz" is added to random words for no particular reason except to sound cool/annoying. Examples include everything from "l33tzorz" to "gayzorz" to "I'm hungry, make me a sandwhichzorz."

Expressions ending is "-zorz" commonly begin with teh as a prefix.
Yo! That's teh suckzorz!
I'm hungryzorz.
I can't go out tonight, I have teh homeworkzorz.
by Christina S June 23, 2006
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Beyond exhausted, so much so that one appears to be drunk. Symptons include staring into space, taking hours to respond to simple questions, pausing randomly inbetween words, walking unsteadily, falling asleep standing up, and generally acting tired and spaced-out.
I pulled an all-nighter on that paper last night and boy am I trashed.
by Christina S September 17, 2006
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In the video game Final Fantasy X-2, the main character Yuna apparently goes insane and has herself a "Yunapalooza." This involves singing bad Japanese pop songs and dancing really badly while wearing odd clothing. Very, very, disturbing. Also involves the classic line:

"I can't stop dancing!"
I was playing FFX-2 today, and the beginning scene with Yunapalooza is so disturbing. Why must she sing terrible J-Pop music???
by Christina S April 24, 2006
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