2 definitions by Chat Noir

A person who only attends mass on Christmas and Easter.
Observing his larger than usual Easter congregation, Father Dick took the opportunity to deliver a little dig. ".....and it's so nice to see my C & E Catholics this morning. We see so little of you, that when you do attend mass we have to break out the Ritz crackers"

(Practicing Catholics look down on C & E 's taking communion.)

This is a true story. And yes, his name WAS Father Dick.
by Chat Noir May 24, 2008
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An adult who whines about very trivial things. Making them appear childish.
A woman sitting at a traffic light, behind a car displaying a non-Christian Evolve Fish emblem, yelled unchristian obscenities to the driver.
The passenger in the car next to her rolled down his window, and calmly asked? "Do you realize how childish your behaving?"
At this she screamed more angry obscenities.
The passenger calmly waited for her to calm down, and as if speaking to a child, said. "Where's your mommy? Thumbsucker."
by Chat Noir May 25, 2008
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