9 definitions by Cerpin Taxxt

You know you have the Apple Shits when you've eaten a lot of apples, around 2-3 a day, and every five minutes you have to shit, but its not the runs. Doesn't apply to everyone though.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away becuase I have the Apple Shits and I can't drive to the doctor without soiling my pants.
by Cerpin Taxxt October 27, 2006
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A wannabe emo kid, not to be confused with a scene kid
Yeah right, you don't cut yourself. You have no problems and your parents love you so shut up you damn wemo.
by Cerpin Taxxt October 29, 2006
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Something that is fat, from Latin "obesus" meaning: fat
Stop eating you obese gellatinous blob! You're sweating butter on me!
by Cerpin Taxxt November 9, 2006
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To be in a state of feeling confused and a little scared. The way someone would act when something really weird happened. Is used in Teen Girl Squad.
Little Tommy was weirded out when he saw daddy making out with the neighbors cat.
by Cerpin Taxxt October 28, 2006
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Usually happens on an instant messenger. A person will quickly sign on, leave you a rude remark, and then sign off before you have the chance to respond. It'd be harder to do in a person to person conversation because you could easily kill them.
computer message SoAndSo123 has signed on
SoAndSo123: You're gay
computer message SoAndSo123 has signed off
Me: Damn I've just been in a drive by conversation!
by Cerpin Taxxt January 31, 2007
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Gettin' flicked off by a panda, double dukes style.
noname123: man ur dumb
me456: stfu
me456: ("') O.o ("')
noname123: wtf
me456: you got panda'd you flit haha
by Cerpin Taxxt October 29, 2006
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Someone who is addicted to MySpace and all he/she talks about is MySpace. See MySpace whore.
Dude, you haven't showered in a week and you've been one MySpace forever. Stupid ass spacer.

some scene kid: OMG! I <3 MYSPACE! It's like crack!
Me: stfu you damn spacer. They aren't even really your friends
by Cerpin Taxxt October 29, 2006
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