14 definitions by Captain Capable

Abbreviation for "You're entitled to your own opinion". Synonymous with "fair enough" or "I can't really come up with a good enough counter-argument for what you've just said, hence I am going to play it safe by dismissing the choice of arguing as unnecessary".
Person1:"This band rocks man!"
Person2:"No way! The singer's so drunk that he sounds like a recruiter for the Legions of the undead zombie whordes from Valhalla"
Person1:"Yetyoo dude, Yetyoo..."
by Captain Capable June 25, 2012
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Not giving a shit about what other people think of you as you move you body gracefully (or not so gracefully) rhythmically to the beat of music. Often done at parties, discos, etc... Can be done on one's own but is more fun done in pairs or in groups.
Man that party was CRAZY! We were dancing all night and all mornin'!
by Captain Capable May 30, 2012
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One of the weapons of mass-torture (WMT) that teachers have up their sleeves, only useful if you wanna become an engineer or doctor or something fancy like that. Maths is known to bore the poor students who study it to the point of depression-induced suicide. It can pay the bills though.
I plan to become an artist so I don't see how studying Maths at A-level will do me any good.
by Captain Capable July 18, 2011
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That white oversized beach-balloon thing off of the cult 1960s psychological British spy TV-show "The Prisoner" (the one with Patrick McGoohan). Rover acts as the disciplinary force in a disguised detention centre for spies ("the village"). Upon finding an escapee, rover pounces on them and knocks them out, then carries/drags them back.
Patrick McGoohan almost escaped in the first episode of "The Prisoner", but then Rover caught him and foiled his escape :/
by Captain Capable February 28, 2012
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1) Someone who is sexually attracted to cats (see Catophile).

2) Someone who is obsessed with cats so much that they feel the need to constantly make references to them.
1) Felineophile Human: 'Woah! Look at that kitty struttin' over there, what a sexy tiger MRAOW! :D'
Kitty: 'Miaow? :S'

2) Sally: 'Don't you just wish we had tails just like cats do? Wouldn't that just be like soo cool?'
Molly: 'Err, yeah, sure Sally...'
Sally: 'You know I just love cats, right? If I get reincarnated, I wanna become a cat!'
Molly: '...'
by Captain Capable June 11, 2011
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1) An activity where one person pokes another person and the other person pokes them back, resulting in a continuous 'Pokewar' - the end of which may never occur.

2) Similar to the above, except that the pokewar is hosted by some form of social networking site - eg; Facebook, MSN etc...
1) Pete: "POKE!" *pokes Sally*
Sally: "Hey!" *pokes back*
Pete: *pokes back*
Sally: "Don't turn this into a Pokewar!" *pokes back*
etc etc...

2) "Me and my friend John have been at our Facebook pokewar for three months non stop! I hope he gives in soon, I'm gettin tired of it"
by Captain Capable May 8, 2011
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Sometimes abbreviated to RWDS - it is a condition which affected people most recently in England, around the time when Prince William and Kate Middleton (now Princess Katherine) had their wedding. The condition's leading cause appears to be the general atmosphere created by such an occasion. Specifically it is when people get fed up with all the media focus and people generally getting too excited about the wedding, tas well as certain companies producing Royal Wedding condoms.
1) Man1: "Are you watching the royal wedding tomorow?"
Man2: "No man, I got Royal Wedding depression syndrome!
Man1: "Seriously man? That's too bad."
Man2: "No I haven't really got it, I just couldn't give a shit."
Man1: "..."
by Captain Capable May 8, 2011
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