26 definitions by Bozz Hawg

I wouldn't even call these "bands" because they play no instruments and can barely sing. To make matters worse, every one follows the same formula:

-- the good looking guy;
-- the talented guy (the only one who can actually sing);
-- the shy, quiet guy;
-- the "older brother" type; and
-- the "bad boy."
Boy bands are creepy. Here's 5 guys in their late-twenties and early-thirties who sing love songs to 12- and 13-year-old girls! Boy bands make R. Kelly look like the Patrib Saint of Chastity!
by Bozz Hawg April 7, 2004
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acronym for "Annoying People At Work;" basically, the useless wastes of space at your job who annoy the living shit out of you
APAW's include:

1) INAPPROPRIATE COMMENT GUY who says the worst possible things at the worst possible times because he thinks they're funny
2) FAT BITCH who claims to be on a diet but always eats "just a little" from everyone's lunch. Stay away from my bacon cheesburger, bitch!
3) THE CREEPER who manages to visit you at the worst possible time and you don't see or hear him coming
4) ANAL RETENTIVE BOSS makes you account for your entire day in 15-minute increments by filing TPS reports
5) MR. PARTY always manages to get away with putting noontime visits to the titty bar on his expense reports. "I was entertaining a customer. I can expense 25 lap dances for that as long as I talk business!"
6) CHEMICAL WEAPON GUY always manages to stink up the restroom with his Atomic Shits
by Bozz Hawg April 15, 2004
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an Englishman or Scot who likes to attend football games pissed out of his skull, start fights, and vandalize property; unhappy unless someone leaves the game in an ambulance
That stupid cunt is wearing the other team's shirt! Let's break his fucking kneecaps!
by Bozz Hawg June 4, 2004
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Driving While Black

You know, when a racist cracker cop pulls over a black driver for no reason other than being black.
Those white devil cops HATE it when a brother can afford a nice car!
by Bozz Hawg April 19, 2004
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