20 definitions by Bob Sometimes

Well OBVIOUSLY its a computer but it also means a woman who is sexy but small of stature and can be easily picked up, moved around, etc, during Horizontal Jogging. Damn! There's another word I'll have to define.
"Dave's girlfriend couldn't reach a high shelf without a ladder and a couple of phone books but he felt it was handy to have a laptop in the bedroom."
by Bob Sometimes January 9, 2006
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A state of extreme excitement or arousal in a woman, such that she may find herself delightfully moist.
"It gives me great pleasure to declare parliament open... in fact, one is positively frothing at the gash!"


"Gold, Frankincense AND Myrhh! You're too kind! I'm genuinely frothing at the gash."
by Bob Sometimes March 23, 2005
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Two flattened turds in a bap, covered in bloody pus and soggy mould, available for purchase at a well-known burger chain. Consumed with enthusiasm by plebs who would eat their own bowels if they were packaged in a gaudy fashion.
"Greetings fresh-faced burger bar attendant. Kindly poison me with a Big Muck, if you would be so kind." - "Certainly sir and would you like some scabby fries with your shit or shall I just puke in your face?"
by Bob Sometimes September 4, 2004
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A toady, sycophant, crawly person.
"Tonight on Question Time we have big-mouthed fuckwit Janet Street-Porter, grinning geek Professor Steven Hawking and Tony Blair's wank catcher, Peter Mandleson."
by Bob Sometimes September 4, 2004
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One who pluffs uncontrollably.
"I say! Whats happened in here?"

"It's a rich spectacle and no mistake, but then you see, Douglas is a pluffer!"
by Bob Sometimes March 18, 2005
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To be truly fed up with something, usually if you are a female.
"Dodi, I've had a cuntfull of that jug-eared husband of mine, fancy taking me for a drive round Paris?"


"Listen Kurt, I've had a cuntfull of your miserable songs, why don't you blow your fucking head off with that shotgun!"
by Bob Sometimes September 4, 2004
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Descriptive of an item that is pungently flavoured with cheese.
"By 'eck Ma, these Wotsits are as cheesy as a rapper's cock!"


"I'll have the deep-pan Hawaian please Waitress, with extra pineapple and more cheese than a rapper's cock."
by Bob Sometimes March 23, 2005
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