15 definitions by Arcadia Berger

The ideology which holds, contrary to all existing biological, medical and psychological science, that there are "only two genders", that "sex and gender are synonymous".
This ideology was created by transphobic and transmiscic people who believe that transgender persons are delusional, that transgender persons can be turned into cisgender persons through conversion therapy, that conversion therapy is not quackery unsupported by medical evidence, that conversion therapy is not torture. Many gender ideologues also believe that there is a secret "transgender conspiracy" among greedy physicians and mentally ill teachers acting as "groomers", "grooming" cisgender children with a goal of "transing" them.
Proponents of gender ideology believe, as Dr. John Money did, that it is possible to groom cisgender children into becoming transgender. This is a belief not supported by science.
by Arcadia Berger September 6, 2023
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A person who files the corns off of people's feet.
I took the emery board and filed the corns off of Mrs. Kyl's feet. She said I was the best pedifiler who had ever treated her.
by Arcadia Berger March 26, 2022
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Demotion Fetish: Sexual arousal from treating or being treated like someone of lower social status: being treated like a servant in your own home, or being treated like a prostitute by your own spouse.
"I go over to his place, put on this silly maid's uniform, and clean up, even though I have a housekeeper of my own. Being under his domination turns me on -- I guess I have a demotion fetish."
by Arcadia Berger August 22, 2016
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3. To publicly reveal a fantasy that would better have been kept private.
Bill O'Reilly napolis wistfully on the murders that would have ensued if one of John Wayne's or Clint Eastwood's cowboy characters had stumbled across the Brokeback Mountain lovers.
by Arcadia Berger March 19, 2006
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An irrational obsession with the uterus and other female sex organs (or their absence) at birth
The current hysteria over trans girls and trans women playing in sports is really making life miserable for all athletes, including cis women and girls, and trans boys and men.
by Arcadia Berger July 16, 2023
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A person whose behavior damages the survival of civilization, the human race and of life in general. Derived from Fred Saberhagen's "Berserker" stories, in which some people serve the Berserkers, robots which exist to destroy all life.
The Senator's support for this bill to increase oil drilling subsidies is a perfect example of his long career as a goodlife.
by Arcadia Berger January 16, 2022
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Clean drinking water provided by taxpayer-funded water projects, especially in areas where conservative local governments have neglected infrastructure, requiring Federal emergency intervention.
"Thanks to FEMA, we can once again allow our children to drink water from the tap without boiling it first. Thank God for the Liberal Tears flowing from our faucets!"
by Arcadia Berger September 1, 2022
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