21 definitions by And.


The act of passing wind or farting.
No way, can you smell his gruft!
by And. July 29, 2018
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1. 1960s: from Yiddish shlang, from Middle High German slange ‘snake’

2. A man's penis
by And. July 19, 2018
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Adjective. Your sister who does or is acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical and will not budge, no matter what the consequences.
Oh yeah, she was set on doing it - she went all sistermatic!
by And. July 25, 2018
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1. A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful against a man.
2. The action of plotting or conspiring against a man.
What do you mean you all went clubbing without me! It's a manspiracy!
by And. July 29, 2018
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The name given by homosexual men, for those men who only engage in active anal penetration, rather than receiving.
Did you see that top - he was so fit and handsome!
by And. July 29, 2018
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Verb. When you're drunk on being stuck up, a goody-two-shoes, self-centered, and all-knowing.
Oh mate, he was totally prissed-up on being a know-it-all.
by And. July 25, 2018
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Polari word for a room, house or flat.
Yeah I rented this cool latty just down the road!
by And. July 29, 2018
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