192 definitions by Abu Yahya

*noun*; prolonged economic crisis characterized by drastic (i.e., >20%) decline in output, reduction in employment, and deflation. Other technical conditions include a liquidity trap and "permanent" (i.e., persisting in many sectors for several quarters) failure to reach equilibrium.

Usually the word "depression" (when referring to economics) is used to refer to the Great Depression, although in fact there were eight incidents of a global depression between 1815 and 1922. These were
--- 1815-21
--- 1832-33
--- 1837-44
--- 1854-57
--- 1867-68
--- 1876-79
--- 1893-96
--- 1920-22
In addition, there have been many localized depressions, panics (e.g., the 1907 Panic {USA}, followed by the Mexican Depression of 1908), and recessions.


The technical distinction between a recession and depression can vary, although economists usually agree on which is which. In Keynesian economics, a depression is defined by the existence of a flat liquidity-money (LM) curve (which means that interest rates have no influence on people's determination to hold their wealth as cash); and/or a nearly vertical investment-savings (IS) curve (which means interest rates have no influence on the willingness of entrepreneurs to expand/continue operations).

In contrast, a recession is a much less drastic event. Interest rates still have influence on investment and liquidity, and there is no deflation. Conventional fiscal policy and monetary policy, combined and in moderate doses, can restore full employment.

Neoclassical economics/New Classical economics defines a recession as a shift in people's income/leisure preferences as the result of a technology shock. The technology shock sharply reduces the returns to labor, so workers are paid less and many withdraw their labor from the market. In a depression, the technology shocks are compounded and cause a permanent change in the production function; large numbers of enterprise are no longer viable.

More generally, a recession involves the downward phase of a routine business cycle; these typically occur every three-seven years. A depression represents a partial collapse of the industrial system, and a comprehensive collapse of the financial system.
From 1929 to 1933 the U.S. price level fell 25 percent. Many economists blame this deflation for the severity of the Great Depression. They argue that the deflation may have turned what in 1931 was a typical economic downturn into an unprecedented *sic* period of high unemployment and depressed income.

N. Gregory Mankiw, William M. Scarth, *Macroeconomics: Canadian Edition*, 2nd ed. (2003) p.318
by Abu Yahya March 8, 2009
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*noun*; generic term for economic thought developed from 1776 to 1930, which assumed the following basic concepts:
1. all types of goods, including factors of production, can be efficiently traded in markets;
2. given free markets, all goods available for purchase will, in fact, be purchased (including labor);
3. free markets include unlimited ability of prices of commodities to move upwards or downward to ensure the quantity supplied matches the quantity demanded.

Adam Smith (1723-1790), auther of *The Wealth of Nations* (1776) is usually credited with compiling the critical ideas into a single theory.

Some historians regard the classical era as really beginning after 1817, with the work of David Ricardo (1772-1823) and Nassau Senior (1790-1864). Ricardo and David developed the concept of diminishing marginal utility to explain the idea of factor cost, and ultimately, market equilibrium.

After 1870, however, classical economics experienced the marginal revolution, in which the field adopted a much more systematic approach to addressing major research questions.

As a result of the Great Depression (1929-1939), classical economics generally faded from view until the late 1970's. At this time, the rational expectations hypothesis and real business cycle theory were refined in order to address problems that had crippled classical economics in the 1920's.

Textbooks addressing classical economic research since 1964 usually call it "New Classical economics." From 1982 to 2006, nearly all Nobel prizes in economics were awarded to New Classical economics such as
George Stigler, Ronald Coase, Robert Lucas Jr., Edward Prescott, and Edmund Phelps.
Proponents of classical economics are nearly always extremely conservative in their political views, and usually conclude that the sole legitimate role of the state is to defend property rights.
by Abu Yahya March 3, 2009
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(ECONOMICS) the difference between the nominal interest rate and the rate of inflation; the actual premium charged by banks for lendable funds.

The real interest rate can be determined by subtracting the annualized rate of inflation from the prime rate offered by banks to borrowers with the best credit.

During the 1970's, the USA experienced relatively high inflation (peaking at 17% in January 1980). In some months this exceeded the prime rate, resulting in negative interest rates for short periods (e.g., April-October, 1978; Feb-July, 1979).

One problem of deflation (i.e., falling absolute prices) is that it always occurs when the economy is in VERY severe recession, and there is no way the central bank can reduce the real interest rate to zero, since 0% nominal rates minus negative inflation = positive real interest rates.
During the period 1978 to 1980, there were 14 (out of a total of 36) months during which the real interest rate was negative.
by Abu Yahya September 6, 2010
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(FINANCE) create a call option that allows the future owner to buy a set number of shares of an underlying stock at a fixed strike price. May also be for traded items other than stock. The writer of a call option is both the counterparty and the originator of the derivative.

A call option is a product that allows an investor to take a long position on a stock without actually owning it; if the underlying stock rises in value, the call option rises a lot more. The increased potential windfall is offset by the much greater likelihood that the investor will lose the entire initial investment.

The writer of the option is presumed to own the thing offered for sale; if the price of the underlying stock rises above the strike price, then the owner of the option will presumably exercise it and pocket the profit. Thus, there is a risk to the writer of the option that all of the profits from owning the stock will go to the buyer of the option. This risk is offset by the fees the writer charges for the option.

In some cases, a speculator may write an option for shares of stock that she does not own. This is particularly risky, since the price of the underlying stock could rise above the strike price, forcing the writer to buy the shares at a high price in order to sell them at a low price.
ANNA: See, here we can see management has totally screwed up. The share price is going to fall, so we should write a call.

BILL: But we don't own any shares of their stock!

ANNA: Yes, I pity the fool who buys our options!
by Abu Yahya April 5, 2010
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the amount of goods and services that a country imports, minus the goods and services that it exports *in a calendar year*. In 1999 Japan exported much more than it imported, so it had a trade surplus. The same year, the United States imported more than it exported, and therefore had a large trade deficit.

While Japan had a trade surplus and the USA had a trade deficit, both had something called a trade balance, which was negative for the USA and positive for Japan.
During economic downturns, political leaders become very concerned if their country is running a trade deficit, because it means that jobs are being lost to business overseas.
by Abu Yahya February 14, 2009
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(FINANCE) the amount of bank reserves that a bank must keep in storage to meet unexpected liabilities.

Banks are not allowed to lend out 100% of the money they receive as deposits; if they did, then depositors would be unable to take money out of the bank. On the other hand, the bank has to lend most of the money out, since it needs the income earned from interest on loans. Throughout the history of the Usonian banking system, the US states or the federal government have had rules about interest rates, reserves, and financial accounting used by banks.

Reserve requirements are necessary to mitigate the risk of bank runs; this was thought to have disappeared thanks to deposit insurance, but Washington Mutual experienced a bank run in 2008 that forced it into receivership.
In the USA, reserves have been set by law for centuries; as a percentage of liabilities, this percentage has declined over the centuries to its current level of 3-10% (as of 1992). In the Eurozone, this rate is 2%; in Japan, it is about 1.5%; and in Commonwealth countries like the UK & Canada, it is voluntary--there are no reserve requirements.
by Abu Yahya September 3, 2010
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All of the parts of a productive system that contribute to marketable products; the productive elements in a particular economy. This includes the entire network of firms, regulatory bodies (like government), infrastructure (roads, telecommunications), and financial intermediaries (banks, thrifts).

In a global economy, there are many industrial systems. In fact, it's quite possible that a single town could have companies belonging to different industrial systems; e.g., a paper mill near a biotech research facility. Almost none of the productive systems share potential employees or potential markets; a recession for the biotech business could--and probably would--completely spare the paper mill. Moreover, the managers of the two businesses probably want opposite policies: the mill owners want low taxes and small government, while the biotech researchers want big spending on education and infrastructure.

Much confusion is caused by calling the industrial system the "economy." The industrial system is not the economy. The industrial system is an organic entity within a greater economy. Various policies may be beneficial for this or that industrial system, with an ambiguous effect (if any) on the economy.
The family model was incorporated into the industrial system with the agent (who was the chief manager) filling the father's role. The same model was also expressed in the hierarchical management structure... The overseer was the "father" of his workroom and was expected to treat the workers like his children.

(Tamara K. Hareven, *Family Time and Industrial Time* 1982, p.4)
by Abu Yahya February 24, 2010
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